Mission to Silverstone!


“Back home where it belongs – all fixed”

The Evora had been fixed.  A Lambda sensor had gone down causing the issue with the power and the tell tale and the glass had been realigned.  A total of two days at Lotus Silverstone that week, bringing the total number of days it’s spent there since April to:


Not an inconsiderable amount but hey.  It’s all part of Lotus ownership.  Not to mention i missed having it – so it’s all worth it in the end.

The problem that confronted me is that the Evora was 127 miles away at Silverstone and i was in Colchester.  Without transport.  A Google of the state of the trains turned up the fact that i could get a train there for a total travel time of eleven hours… Plus an hour of walking.. Clearly that was a joke.  Oh wait – no, it wasn’t.

The family came to the rescue.  Mother and Grandmother (escorting mother due to the distance travelled and, you know, she worries) offered to pick me up and take me to collect.  I thanked them and picked up the Evora!

I then remembered that it was The Lotus Festival 2016 at Brands Hatch the next day and as a result of the fact i was on the stand i’d need to clean the car – which wasn’t “Carbon grey ” but actually “Tone of road shit green”.

 Cue driving to the local jet wash with a boot full of cleaning materials and products in a late night attempt at making the Evora sparkle… Have you ever tried to wax a car at 10 pm? Its bloody ninja. On the plus side i had a run in with a chav in a brand new Focus RS complete with a ridiculous straight pipe exhaust.  Not only did it look ridiculous but the noise and way it was driven was, quite frankly, a disgrace.  Glad not to be associated with that £30,000 state.

With the Evora cleaned, polished and waxed it was time to get some sleep before being up at 6.40 am for the drive to Brands Hatch!

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